Originally published in The Red Bank Green
Walkers closing the loop on their one-mile stroll through two borough parks. Below, Mayor Menna with Trish Whitaker and borough Attorney Dan O’Hern. (Photo by Rebecca Desfosse)
An enthusiastic throng of participants hit the pavement in Red Bank for the Community Kick Start Walkon Saturday. More than 50 adults and children piled into Marine Park, grabbed t-shirts that read “Today, Tomorrow, Together,” and marched a one-mile loop from Marine Park to Riverside Gardens and back.
The event, which officials said is likely to become an annual affair, marks the first public endeavor of the Mayor’s Wellness Committee, a new committee to promote healthy living among Red Bank. The committee’s previous activity, a health fair for borough employees, with a weight loss competition similar to the setup of TV’s The Biggest Loser, has already yielded big gains – or losses, that is. Councilman Art Murphy leads the competition, having dropped 34 pounds so far.
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