Originally published in Newark Pulse
Neighborhood child Makayla Smith enjoys the new learning trail. Photo by Dennis Madaj/The Montclair Group
On Friday, September 28th, a new Learning Trail was opened at Nat Turner Park. The Trail the first one in Newark, was built by the combined effort of United Way Essex and West Hudson, NJ Partnership of Healthy Kids, YMWCA of Newark and Vicinity, Newark Youth Build and Newark Leadership Academy.
The Born Learning Trail provides 10 self-guiding and engaging, interactive activities that adults can use to create early learning opportunities for children. By following a series of colorful shapes, signs and hopscotch squares, children can learn their numbers and letters through active play. The Trail is a great way for a community to use outdoor space to promote literacy, social development and physical activity.
To learn more about the trail visit www.unitedwayessex.org or www.newarkymca.org/NJPartnership.
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